Geostructural Design

Specializing in civil and geotechnical applications, RWH incorporates extensive experience within the construction industry to provide efficient and constructible solutions to a variety of projects. RWH provides designs with a focus on: material usage, construction sequencing, site/soil suitability, and cost efficiency.

Excavation Support

RWH specializes in the design of excavation earth retention shoring systems for temporary or permanent applications, which are most used to facilitate the construction of below grade structures and foundations.

RWH is experienced in various shoring methods, and offers design services for:

  • Piles and lagging
  • Caisson wall
  • Bypass Shotcrete
  • Shotcrete/Soil Nailing
  • Sheet piles
  • Underpinning
  • Slope Stability and RSS Walls

Finite Element Analysis

RWH has experience in Finite Element Modeling used to predict the movement and performance of shoring systems, typically completed where the shoring is in the influence of sensitive infrastructure. This allows RWH to a gain better understanding of the shoring behaviour and identify project risks.

Using this design approach, RWH has successfully completed shoring designs for challenging projects including the deepest excavation completed in Calgary, Telus Sky.

Compression Ring Shafts

Typically used in civil applications, shafts are traditionally constructed installing vertically drilled interlocking concrete holes. Where compression rings are held together due to confinement pressure from the retained soil and forces resisted by high strength concrete, square shafts require internal bracing.

RWH specializes in water-tight, caisson wall shoring shafts that are designed considering the sequencing of the structure to assist in simplifying the below-grade construction process.

Advantages of Compression Ring Shafts

  • No internal bracing required
  • Reduced material usage with no steel reinforcing requirements at shallower design depths
  • No interference with other construction trades – excavation can begin and can be expedited once vertical drilling is complete
  • Improved control of groundwater and water tight construction
RWH Engineering - Compression Ring Shafts - Guide Wall
Maintaining tight installation tolerance is key in compression ring construction. A concrete guide wall is used for this purpose.

Challenges Associated with Compression Ring Shafts

  • Drilling tolerances are strict as design interlock is critical. A guide wall is required to ensure vertical construction tolerances are maintained

Foundation Design

In challenging soil conditions, conventional foundation systems are not always feasible and alternative deep foundation solutions need to be utilized. Using our practical knowledge of construction methods, soil conditions and cost, RWH provides efficient foundation solutions tailored to meet site-specific requirements.

RWH offers design of the following foundation systems:

  • Micropiles
  • Helicals
  • Caissons
  • Driven Piles
  • Ridged Inclusions

In addition to these deep foundation elements, RWH has a focus on composite raft designs as options for solving challenging foundation issues. Using caissons, micropiles, large diameter helicals, rigid inclusions combined with the benefit of some bearing from the raft can yield large cost and schedule savings.

Ground Improvement

Ground improvement is advantageous where challenging ground conditions have resulted in reduced strength or bearing capacity and increased permeability of soils and rock. RWH offers an engineered solution involving the injection of grout under pressure in a grid or interlocking pattern which assists to fill voids, bind particles together and prevent the flow of water.

Utilizing ground improvement methods can result in costs savings over the course of a project and improved service life and longevity for rehabilitation and repair of existing structures, or the simplification of design for other aspects of a project.

RWH has used pressurized grout injection techniques on a wide variety of projects and has developed experience completing innovative solutions to complex ground conditions, including the following:

  • Chemical Grouting
  • Permeation Grouting
  • Grout Curtains


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